After an intensive six months of design and cost reviews, this large student open space is now complete. The scheme has been well received by staff and students alike and provides spaces for social interaction as well as increased biodiversity. Native hedgerow, trees and wild flower meadow areas are provided in conjunction with rain garden areas to meet sustainable ecological and drainage requirements.
Coventry University-Courtyard
Beorma Quarter-Digbeth
Ravenhill Park Masterplan
LBD were commissioned in spring 2017 to undertake a topographical survey and masterplan for this park near Rugeley in Staffordshire. The local community group Brereton Millions secured lottery funding to bring about various changes to the area around the park.
Spring Greens-Euphorbia
This Euphorbia has the freshest acid green flowers in late March/April. It is useful as a focal point in the garden or courtyard at this time of year.
New Social Housing-Worcestershire
New housing on the site of a former swimming baths for Accord Housing Group. L.B.D. completed hard and soft landscape detailing and liaised over existing tree protection works.
Sandy Hill Court-nr Solihull
The site was previously hard surfaced but had the potential for a simple walled garden. Black limestone and white rendered walls provide contrast to the circular lawn and planted borders. The garden gives a breakout space for residents in this supported accomodation for young adults with learning difficulties.
Birmingham Rowing Club-Masterplan
Landscape By Design recently completed the masterplan for a new boathouse and clubhouse facility at Edgbaston Reservoir for Birmingham Rowing Club. L.B.D. worked alongside Bournville Architects who were winners of a design competition. The club are currently fundraising for the project now that it has secured planning approval.
Landscape Completion-Coventry University
The landscape scheme is now complete at Coventry Technology Park Conference Centre. Paving, planting, furniture and pots have been provided to allow conference visitors and users of the bistro to spill out into the outside space.
Competition Winners L.B.D. Coventry University Technology Park
Competition winners Landscape By Design secured a bid earlier this year to refurbish external areas to the perimeter of this conference centre. Previously the site consisted of three leaking concrete ponds, two hazardous bridge crossings and a large pit containing redundant filtration equipment.
Early Spring Colour
Winter Windflower is a pretty and dainty herbaceous perennial that likes dappled shade. I have it growing in a large pot underneath a contorted Hazel and it seems quite happy. The vivid flowers open up as the morning sun warms up the ground, providing an early splash of colour.
Belgian Plant Market
The landscape is a part of the fabric of daily life in Belgium and Holland. Although much of it is dominated by privet, beech and box, my visit to this local market reminded me that variety still has its part to play.
Birmingham Library
The roof garden spaces at the Birmingham Library are a contrast to the interior and provide an opportunity to view the changing cityscape. Soft grasses, simple paving and thin walled planters, create a pleasant and contemporary style usually only seen at ground level. Let us hope the expanse of bitumen that covers the surrounding roof tops, will eventually be green.
For interest in the depths of Winter, consider evergreens such as Hedera helix 'Arborescens'. This plant is more of a small dense shrub than a climber. Note Arbor's Latin translation is 'tree' and it is used here to describe the more upright habit of this form of English Ivy.
LBD Launches its new website!
LBD launches a new website. We hope you like it :)